How to join us

a. Members of the IACS are entitled to a discount subscription to the Journal of Coptic Studies (1000 Belgian francs per volume; published by Peeters Press, Louvain). A member’s discount subscription must be ordered through the IACS’s editor-treasurer, not through the publisher.
b. The Société d’Archéologie Copte (SAC) offers to sell its publications (including the Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte) to members of the IACS at a 25% discount. In order to take advantage of this offer and to subscribe to the Bulletin, take the following steps:
(1) Send your name and address to the SAC at the following address:
Le secrétaire général
Société d’Archéologie Copte
222, Av. Ramsès
Le Caire, Égypte
(2) State that you are a member of the IACS and that you want to subscribe to the Bulletin or to purchase any other SAC publications.
c. Members are entitled to a 25% discount on the journal Enchoria (to be requested directly from the publisher, Harrassowitz in Wiesbaden, Germany).
d. Members are entitled to a discount on the Coptic Bibliography (to be requested directly from the publisher, Centro Italiano Microfiches, Piazzale di Ponte Milvio 28, I-00191 Roma, Italy).
e. Members are entitled to use the library and facilities of the Société d’Archéologie Copte in Cairo, as a research center in Cairo (the “Cairo Center” of the IACS).
f. Members receive the IACS Newsletter automatically whenever it is published.
g. Only members are allowed to attend and vote at business meetings of the IACS.
The first members (charter members) were those among the participants in the first congress, Cairo 1976, or those not present there but known to be interested in membership, who responded to the official invitation sent with the first issue of the IACS Newsletter (March 1977). Subsequent members have been elected in accordance with the statutes. The procedure for new membership applications is as follows:
a. The applicant should send his or her request for membership to the IACS secretariat (Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Schlaunstrasse 2, D-48143 Münster, Germany) or to the IACS Secretary (via email).
b. The application should comprise a brief statement of the applicant’s interest and involvement in Coptic studies, a curriculum vitae (if available), and brief statements in support of the application signed by two current members of the IACS.
c. The applicant is elected as a member of the IACS by a poll of the board (solicited by letter by the editor-treasurer), subject to confirmation by the full membership at the next business meeting of the IACS.
d. The new member will receive membership privileges as soon as his or her application has been approved by the board. For the payment of fees, see below.
According to art. 3 of the statutes, institutional memberships are permitted; a representative of such an institution has one vote at the business meeting on the institution’s behalf.
The amount of the membership fee is set by the business meeting of the IACS. As of 2023 the annual fees are:
Normal Members USD 25.00
Students 15.00
Retired People 12.00
(Honorary presidents are not asked to pay any fees.)
Within Europe, the best method of payment is by direct transfer (“Überweisung”) to the following account:
Account number: 9040-467
Bank code: 440 100 46
If possible, members should make the transfer in DM (German marks, converted from US dollars at the current rate); otherwise the transfer should be made in USD. Payments by eurocheque should be made in DM. Eurocheques or personal checks should be made payable to the International Association for Coptic Studies and are to be sent to the IACS secretariat in Münster (Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Schlaunstrasse 2, D-48143 Münster, Germany). In all cases, members must be sure to indicate their name and the year(s) for which they are paying. Members are encouraged to pay for several years in advance (in order to reduce the charges that the IACS must pay to the bank), and they are kindly requested to keep the IACS secretariat informed of any change of address or any change in membership status. In the future, it will be possible for members to pay their fees during the quadrennial Congresses of Coptic Studies.
The editor-treasurer will send an annual statement of dues to members. If a member does not pay for two years, the treasurer will send a notice (according to a decision of the board, 21 September 1980) stating that the member will be considered no longer interested in membership in the IACS if he or she does not settle in due time.