Via Joyce Wijnmalen:
The goal of the Van Moorsel en Rijnierse Foundation is to stimulate research into Coptic Orthodox Christianity in Egypt and the Nile Valley. We are looking for applications for post doc projects in the field of (art) history and archaeology. The total available budget is € 360,000, which allows funding for two projects with a maximum budget of € 180,000 and a maximum duration of two years. The deadline for applications is on 9 April, 2024. More details can be found here:
The resources for this funding instrument are made available by the aforementioned foundation and come from the legacy of Johanna Adriana Rijnierse (1917 – 2013). Ms. Rijnierse made an important contribution to the work of Paul Petrus Vitalis van Moorsel, professor of early Christian and later Coptic art history at Leiden University, The Netherlands. It was Ms. Rijnierse’s intention to use her legacy to promote the continuation of work in Van Moorsel’s field. The fund available to the foundation is managed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) in The Hague.