
Call for Prize-Competition Submissions for the “Alexander-Böhlig-Preis 2025”

Abbreviated English version of the announcement: The Gertrud and Alexander Böhlig Foundation supports scientific research in the languages and cultures of the Christian Orient. Therefore, the Foundation announces the “Alexander-Böhlig-Preis 2025” (for 7,500 euros). A prize is awarded every two years for outstanding doctoral dissertations and “Habilitationschriften” from the field of Christian Orient and the …

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Call for Proposals: Van Moorsel and Rijnierse 2024: Research into Coptic Orthodox Christianity in Egypt and the Nile Valley

Via Joyce Wijnmalen: The goal of the Van Moorsel en Rijnierse Foundation is to stimulate research into Coptic Orthodox Christianity in Egypt and the Nile Valley. We are looking for applications for post doc projects in the field of (art) history and archaeology. The total available budget is € 360,000, which allows funding for two …

Call for Proposals: Van Moorsel and Rijnierse 2024: Research into Coptic Orthodox Christianity in Egypt and the Nile Valley Read More »

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Classics, University of Georgia

We are serious in our long look at Mediterranean societies and exhort those who know languages outside Greek and Latin to apply, including Coptic, Syriac, Arabic, Aramaic, and Hebrew. The Department of Classics at the University of Georgia invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor in Data Analytics and Pedagogy in Classics with an …

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Classics, University of Georgia Read More »

A Book Honoring Heike Behlmer’s Scholarship

In honor of Heike Behlmer‘s sixty-fifth birthday, her colleagues have published a Festschrift dedicated to her. Edited by Diliana Atanassova, Frank Feder, and Heike Sternberg el-Hotabi, the volume brings together the essays of fifty-seven scholars, honoring the eminent contributions that Prof. Behlmer (University of Göttingen) has made to various fields of research, including Egyptology, Coptology, …

A Book Honoring Heike Behlmer’s Scholarship Read More »